Monthly Archives: October 2015


Providers Want More Settlements? Be Prepared

Since the advent of SB863, more and more providers are dismayed at why they aren’t able to collect money on their liens either through in-house collections or via litigation at the WCAB. However, SB863 and even SB899 10 years prior, change the scenery of Work


Utilization Review

Clarifications on the Utilization Review Process Utilization review, as defined by the DIR, is the process used by employers or claims administrators to determine if a proposed treatment requested for an injured worker is medically necessary. In essence, a utilization review (UR) is a process


Liening Edge Webinar

Know Your Burden On July 22nd, 2015, Liening Edge hosted the first of an ongoing webinar series, “Know Your Burden and How to Be Prepared.” It was hosted by our very own Managing Director, Scott Schoenkopf. Also present was Mona Nemat, Esq., a Partner at


Burden of Proof

The burden of proof in Workers’ Comp Appeals Board (WCAB) cases is always laid upon the lien claimants. The lien claimants must bear the burden of proof and stand in the shoes of the applicant. Lien claimants must prove the prima facie case of entitlement


Liens: A View From the Oxnard Board

Liens: View from the Oxnard Board On March 6th, WorkCompCentral held a conference titled, “Liens: View from the Oxnard Boards,” in which featured panelists, such as Judges Glass and Carrero, discussed the moving of liens to the Oxnard board. The panelists also discussed various methods and